Friday, December 19, 2008


December 19, 2008

In an effort to learn ASP.NET, I started placing many of my business functions that I used to perform using Excel into an internal website. Soon...that turned into doing all of the work on my business external website. After many years and changing technologies, I think I am getting close to my goals - but there is always more to learn! And when Microsoft and MSDN fail me (or confuse me) - which they usual do - I lean heavily on the input of the web community. So now I hope to share a little of my effort. Whenever I figure out something cool - I'll just make a post and if anyone wants to comment, I'd love to hear what my fellow coding colleagues have to say.

TreeView Trials

December 19, 2008

My latest venture is to learn more about the TreeView ASP.NET 2.0 control. I have relied heavily on GridView's to display and sort output, but this TreeView control has me intrigued. Tonight I was able to create 4-levels of nodes from a List Collection. It was a little tricky and I still don't think I have mastered everything, but it's working. I'll be happy to list the code if anyone is interested.

A problem that now has creeped up is that when the List of data that feeds the TreeView becomes larger, the website starts grinding to a crawl. I am going to experiment with the PopulateOnDemand features of the TreeView with the hope that I only create child nodes when the user of the site drills into the child. But now it is late...more on that later today....