Friday, December 19, 2008

TreeView Trials

December 19, 2008

My latest venture is to learn more about the TreeView ASP.NET 2.0 control. I have relied heavily on GridView's to display and sort output, but this TreeView control has me intrigued. Tonight I was able to create 4-levels of nodes from a List Collection. It was a little tricky and I still don't think I have mastered everything, but it's working. I'll be happy to list the code if anyone is interested.

A problem that now has creeped up is that when the List of data that feeds the TreeView becomes larger, the website starts grinding to a crawl. I am going to experiment with the PopulateOnDemand features of the TreeView with the hope that I only create child nodes when the user of the site drills into the child. But now it is late...more on that later today....

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